The board above was part of a survey that I started when I was with Boatworks magazine and is series of test samples of teak treatments. All of the teak decking sections were all machined from the same teak board and as such were all the same color at the start of the trial some two and half years ago. Since that time I have weathered the board and applied the treatments following the manufacturers recommendations both with regard to the initial treatments and subsequent applications.
The results are interesting, some of the samples look good while others look like they have had virtually no treatments at all. You can click on the picture to make it larger and although it is not the same as actually seeing it in real life you can see the color variation.
From left to right they are as follows; Teaqua, Starbrite, Mequiars, West Marine, Interlux and finally Amazon Gold.
Of course results are very subjective but to my mind the Teaqua is by far the best of the bunch with the Amazon Gold a close second. What you cannot tell from the picture however is the feel of the samples. The Teaqua feels very smooth, while the Meguiars and the West Marine feel rough to the touch. As these last two also have the most washed out appearance it would appear that the treatment has had the least effect both in terms of protecting the wood and maintaining the appearance. Of course teak requires no treatment and can be left to weather to a silver grey color if the owner prefers and it would appear that this is exactly what is happening to the West Marine and Meguiars samples albeit more slowly than would be the case had no treatment at all been applied. Interestingly the Interlux sample has quite pleasing color but the surface is somewhat rough.
So my final recommendations would be that if you want to keep the just laid teak deck look then a regular treatment of the Teaqua would be the way to go with the Amazon Gold not far behind.