It came as a bit of shock to me when I found out that Edey and Duff, the Matapoisett, Massachusetts boat builders were to cease business.
According to a press report that you can read here there have been several reasons given for the firm closing it's doors for the final time last Tuesday but what ever the reason it is very sad nonetheless. One of the most successful designs that the yard produced was the Croker designed Stone Horse which is shown in the photo above.
At the time the yard closed they had ceased production of the 23 foot cutter and were instead concentrating on their other designs, the Fatty Knees dinghy, the Stuart knockabout and the Doughdish. One of the reasons given for the closure of the yard was the death of David Davignon general manager of the yard and although this had serious implications for the small firm I think that it was this associated with the expiration of the boat yard lease and the general down turn in the boat building economy that all had an effect on the ultimate outcome. Interestingly I spoke to Davgnon a couple of years ago and at that time reintroducing the Stone Horse looked like a distinct possibility. I hope that not only this design but also the other Edey and Duff boats will rise again in the very near future. My heart goes out to those that lost their jobs and I hope that they find alternative work in the boat building industry.
I sailed both a Stone Horse and have the Fatty Knees as the tender and I cruised from Massachusetts to Florida and lived aboard for 10 years and I still don't regret having them. I couldn't find another vessel that has as comfortable a cockpit as the Stone Horse or a dinghy that was as cute. I'm only 5' 4" so her low headroom never really effected me. I'm now writing a book about this adventure.
Posted by: Joseph J. Young | September 01, 2011 at 06:00 PM
I shall look forward to reading about your adventures. Great job.
Posted by: Mark | September 01, 2011 at 06:24 PM