Often time you may have to cut plywood sheets into small sections. It could be when making cabinets for a boat interior or any one of a hundred other purposes. Getting a straight cut is essential if everything is going to fit together properly. I used to mark a line and cut it free hand, either that or clamp a piece of straight wood and runs a saw along that. That works of course but it has two drawbacks; it take time to set up and you have to measure the off set of the saw away from the guide strip that you have just clamped on. This quick and easy tool makes cutting sheets with a circular saw a snap and gives precise, consistent results. You will have to work out the details to suit your own make of saw but as you can see from the pictures it is made from two pieces, the bottom piece is quarter play wood and the heavier top section that the saw runs against is half inch thick.
To build
Cut a section about six or seven inches wide from the edge of a sheet of ply then glue and screw this to a wider piece of quarter ply. The manufacturers edge on the half inch ply will be straight so make sure that it is this edge that the saw will be running against. Make the quarter ply wider than you need then make a cut with the saw cutting through the thin plywood, this gives you a nice straight edge which from now one you simply have to align with your marks on whatever you are cutting, clamp in position and voila! a perfectly straight cut.
Two points to remember however. Use a fine tooth blade in the saw for the best finish and secondly clamp the guide onto the section of ply wood that you want to keep. If you clamp the guide onto what will become the unused or unwanted piece the bit you do want will be undersized because of the width of the saw blade. I hope that pictures make it all clear which as ever you can click on to make larger. If you have any questions or comments please drop me an e mail.
This gives an overall impression of how the saw guide works. It is 8 feet long so the same length as a regular sheet of ply wood. In this picture I am placing it into position prior to making a cut.
The edge of the quarter inch ply wood is exactly aligned with the marks that you wish to cut to.
The guide is then clamped into position with a couple of strong spring clamps. Make sure that the grip is good however some of the cheaper clamps are not up to the job and you may be better off with a G clamp if there is any chance of the guide moving.
Make the cut. A little candle wax on the guide will make the saw slide smoothly. Make sure also that you hold the edge of the saw plate to the guide and you will be rewarded with a perfect straight cut every time.
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