With the colder weather comes times when I will be locked away in the workshop sanding some part or scraping some varnish or paint. Almost every project seems to generate at least some dust which can be both annoying and at times dangerous to your health. Keeping dust under control is a major concern to me not least because I don't want to breath it in and I don't want airborne dust to settle on every shelf in sight.
There are a ton of fairly expensive electrostatic air cleaners on the market which do a pretty good job - at a price. My solution is to use a cheap $25 box fan from Walmart and tape a suitable furnace filter to one side of the fan as shown above. Note however that the filter should be attached to the 'suck' side of the fan. The filters last a fairly long time if you vacuum them once a day with the shop vac. Because the fan is light weight you can move it close to the work area but remember they you may still need to use a face mask to protect yourself.