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March 12, 2012


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What jig saw blade use on 1/8" baltic birch plywood?


These blades will work great on Baltic birch. If you have the pedulum action on your saw turn this down to 1 or off and all will be well.

Very handy guide, thanks, Serena! I didn’t know there was even a term for TPI, hah. 😀 All of my cuts look rough and awful because I haven’t gotten a fine toothed blade yet, ugh! I’ve got a little cheapie jigsaw (it was like $20) and, aside from having to put my blade back in after every cut because it falls out (ugh), it works really well. I’m so glad you included “Always keep the base of the jigsaw flat against your workpiece.” because while cutting a big piece of plywood, the jigsaw will vibrate and jiggle right away from it, so you’ve got to use a seriously firm arm to keep it flat against the wood!

The first saw you showed is actually the same as my jigsaw!

Hi Mark--unless memory fails me badly, you published some things of mine in BoatWorks close to 20 years ago. I've been away from sailing for too long, and I'm in the thick of planning to build a Goat Island Skiff, so I was happy that this was my search result hit! ("Regular" wood jigsaw blades make more splinters in plywood than will be ok for stuff that's worth its weight in gold...) --Phillip

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