I took these two pictures at my marina today. Both of these boats are owned by guys who love to fish. The first one is a Sailfish and the second picture is of a Scout, both fine boats in their own way but also very different. I do like the Sailfish a lot and if i were in the market for a new center console boat I think one of these would be fairly high up on my list of boats. They seem to be well put together but what i like about the sailfish is that it has a great sense of security for the persons on board. This is boat that you are in rather than on. The side decks are high and with those padded gunwhales yo really have something to brace against as you land the 'big one' . The other boat, the Scout is great for lakes and for fly fishing but out here on the sea the low gunwhales are a liability and stepping aboard this boat one feels very vulnerable in anything of a chop. The gunwhales on this boat are the complete reverse of the Sailfish and instead of making you feel secure hit you just below the knee and can tip you over the side in short order. It's just not power boats either many a time the guard rails on sailboats are so low that they represent more of a hazard than if they were not there at all.