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February 11, 2013


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Hi Mark,

The Beneteau 321 I sail has a similar arrangement. Neat, tidy, efficient, and no little parts to break.

1990 Morgan has same arrangement

Hi Mark, I like this design so much that I have built one myself. But I am now looking for a source for the SS L-hooks that the table hangs on as well as the plastic clips that secure the table to the crash bar. Source suggestions appreciated. 😀

Blaine. Glad that you have built your own table. If I remember correctly the plastic clips came from West Marine and the L hooks from Home Depot

Hi Mark, I also like the design and would like to build one but I’m unsure how the cupholder is attached to the crash bar. Thanks.

Mark, please forgive my novice woodworking skills. Other than the screws holding the table to the binnacle (which I’m assuming are u bolts), I don’t see any other screws holding the sides to the 2 cross pieces and dowel. Are these a pocket fit and how is the structure held together to form the drink holder box?
Thank you and nice looking piece. I will be making one for my Hughes 38 and like most, don’t want to spend the hundreds of dollars on one from the marine retailers. It’s also great pride in doing it yourself.
Kind regards,

Hi Mark. I’ve been looking to build a cockpit table for my Hughes 38 and this would be perfect. I’ve done some woodwork but wouldn’t consider myself that well versed in some of the finer details. Other than the screws holding the drink holder to the crash bar (which I’m assuming are u bolts), I don’t see any fasteners holding the drink holder together. Is this done using pocket fit and glued together or are the fasteners/screws cleverly hidden? Thank you for sharing this post

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