Of all the things that scare boat owners the most when they are far out at sea are sinking and fire. Sinking is probably at the top of the list but fire is no less of the threat, and indeed a fire even if you manage to put it out can lead to a sinking. The first line of defense when it comes to preventing a fire on board is to make sure that all systems are correctly installed and that there is nothing that can turn a small problem into a large one. The fact is that no single act alone will cause a fire aboard it is most often caused by a combination of risks or factors. A bad connection can lead to sparking or a short which causes a cable to overheat which ignites some oil or grease and this in turn sets the boat ablaze.
Should the worst happen then you need to slant the chances in your favor of putting a fire out. After all off shore the only place that you might have to retreat to is the life-raft which having spent some time in one in the past is not something that I personally want to repeat. The best fire extinguisher is probably a man in a panic with a bucket but after that it usually come down to fire extinguishers. Most boats often have a few of these around and there should be one in each cabin in a very visible and conspicuous location so that it can be grabbed and used in a hurry; speed is of the essence here.
But what if the fire is in the engine space? Because it is out of the way you may not even know that you have a fire down below until it is too late. Opening up the engine cover is often a bad idea as it allows additional oxygen to the fire and may cause a flare up. The ABYC recommend that the fire be tackle without opening the engine cover or on larger vessels the door to the engine room, Sensible advice as it maintains a physical barrier between you and the fire and restricts the amount of oxygen that can reach the flames and increase it's spread to the rest of the boat. Sailboat makers such as Beneteau thoughtfully include a fire port into the front of there engine boxes; a small plastic disc pops out allowing you to deploy the nozzle of a fire extinguisher through the hole. This is a very sensible approach but although effective is not the best solution. Top of the tree has got to be an automatic system. In their simplest form these work by sensing the engine room temperature which when it rises above a preset limit deploys an inert gas that deprives the engine room of oxygen thus putting out the fire. The gas used to be Halon but concerns about environmental impact have resulted in this being outlawed and new system use another gas called Heptaflouropropane however halon is still acceptable for existing systems. This means that if you purchase a boat that has a Halon system you can still go ahead and use the boat and the Halon is still acceptable it is just that if it ever has to be refilled it cannot be refilled with Halon; the same holds true for older refrigeration units that use halon as a refrigerant.
Installing an automatic fire extinguisher in the engine room is certainly within the capabilities of a competent DIY owner but it is necessary to do a little research first. I contacted Sea Fire who supplied me with the necessary parts to complete the installation that you see here but not before they had sent e a worksheet that asked some questions about the boat; engine size, location and most importantly the cubic capacity of the space that the system would protect.
In theory it would be possible to install an automatic extinguisher in the engine room without any extraneous connections. A vial which looks like the glass tube on a sprinkler head is at the top of the cylinder and this bursts at a temperature above normal engine room temperatures smothering the fire. In truth most owners will opt for a slightly more sophisticated system which is what I did. Connected to the top of the cylinder is a cable release, which with a handle next to the helm can be pulled and thus deploy the extinguishing agent manually. For many sailboat owners in particular that will be the extent of the system but I chose to go one further, the donor boat had a large electronically controlled engine and thus I installed and automatic shut down system. With this if the extinguisher is deployed either manually or automatically then a relay operates which shuts down the engine. On boats when the engine is shut down by pulling a handle then this stem will not work but larger or more modern engine have an electric solenoid to shut down the engine and it is for this type of installation that the auto shut down feature is designed for. Shutting down the engine if it is running ensures that the entinguishant will not be sucked into the engine and ejected out of the exhaust before it has the chance to do it's job and put the fire out.
Here's how I did it
1 Decide where the extinguisher is to go, in many cases the decision is made for you as there is not much space in the average engine room. Bear in mind however that you have to make connection to the top of the cylinder and dependent on the type of system that you have the cylinder may need to be mounted either horizontally or vertically but this will be made clear in the installation instructions.
2 Measure carefully then bolt the mounting bracket into position I had a nice clear space on the aft bulkhead which was just perfect. You may not be so lucky and you may have to re route cables or pipe work if it is in the way.
3 Mount the extinguisher as outlined in the instructions that come with it. The Sea Fire that I am mounting has stainless steel worm drive clips that pass through the bracket and around the cylinder. Make sure that they are tight.
4 The next step is to install the manual release cable. This is straight forward but bear in mind that it is stiff and very similar to a throttle or gear shift cable and as such will not bend in a tight radius. Cables are supplied in almost any length in foot increments so you have measure the run of the cable before ordering, an old piece of 6mm 1by 19 thick rigging wire is handy for this as it has the same bend characteristics as the release cable.
A . After deciding where the cable is to go install the plate for the manual release which should be near the helm. You also will need to drill a hole for the cable attachment but I was lucky and was able to use the plate to cover an unwanted extra hole where a gauge used to be mounted.
B. Instal the brass nut and shake proof washer before passing the end of cable through the hole.
C. Then install the other components on the other side; barrel nut, O ring,T handle, and safety clip.Connect up the other end of the cable to the cylinder which is retained by a spring clip. It is also worth noting that the cylinder has a safety pin in place which has to be removed but leave that until you have completed the installation to avoid a potential accidental discharge.
5 Use a hole saw to drill a mounting hole for the monitor panel.
6.The panel is passed through the hole and secured by a straddle clip on the back.
7. Wiring is likely to take the longest part of the job which must be neat and well ordered. The first job is to mount the relay/control box. I put mine behind the breaker panel. Use cable of the correct gauge Sea Fire recommend no smaller than 16 AWG.
The wiring is fairly easy to follow but requires connections from the top of the cylinder, a power feed from the vessels wiring and connections to the electrical engine shut down solenoid. If connecting up to the shut down solenoid be aware that the contacts will either be normally open or normally closed. You may need to to refer to the engine wiring diagram to identify your specific application and which wire you need to splice into.
Connect up the CAT 5 Ethernet cable between the monitor panel and control box.
Make the power connections to the fuse box which must be protected with the correct amperage fuse.
Don't forget to mark up the fuse for identification later.
Finally clip back the cables for a neat and orderly appearance.
With thanks to SeaFire, Brewers South Freeport and Matt Durkin
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