Rita and I have spent the best part of the day the New England Boat show which is held over 9 days at the Boston exhibition and conference center. Numbers were down and some of the exhibitors had noticeably smaller booths than last year which is bad for business but the thin crowds did allow us to walk around and talk to people.
I will bring you much more information in the next few days on some of the stuff that caught my eye but as a primer I wanted to share this photo of a completely refinished 1972 Boston Whaler than was truly better than new. Whalers must be truly one of the success stories in the boating world, they have gone through several owners and changes of management in the past 35 years but for all that there can be few boaters that are not familiar with Whalers. Anyone who has spent anytime at all around boats has almost certainly been in one at some time and even if they have not they will at least recognize the familiar shape.
Here is another close up of the bow of the boat and as you can see from the two guys in the back the finish was so smooth and lustrous that like them no one it seemed could pass by without running their hands over the immaculately restored boat. Undertaken by Metan marine restorations who I understand are something of Whaler specialists there work was faultless. Not a firm that I have ever heard of before I confess, their website is worth checking out if only to look at the before and after photographs.
More from the boat show in tomorrows posting.
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